Help Center

Welcome to the SiteCare Help Center, designed to help you quickly answer any questions you may have about our WordPress Maintenance and Digital Marketing solutions, as well as what it’s like to work with the SiteCare team. You’ll also find some of our most commonly asked questions about billing, as well as helpful tips and how-tos for working with us.

If you have questions about a specific service or process and can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please contact us directly for assistance.

WordPress Hosting & Maintenance

What happens if a plugin or theme update breaks my site?

The simple answer is that we’ll work with you to fix it. We go out of our way to ensure compatibility before we update plugins, themes, or WordPress core software, but sometimes the results of an update are unexpected and things break. If an update we perform causes something to break, we’ll spend up to 1 hour trying to fix the problem. If we are unable to get the latest version of the theme or plugin to work properly on your site, we’ll roll back the update to the most recent stable version, and provide you with a recommendation for a path forward to get the issue resolved.

What happens if my site is hacked?

Our team will assist until your website is clean, safe, and back online. In the event of a site hack that requires professional remediation from our trusted partner, Sucuri, we’re able to offer their services at a discount to our clients.

How many support requests can I submit each month?

You can ask us as many questions as you’d like, and if your request is covered by your plan, then we’ll take care of it right away. Our plans include up to fifteen (15) minutes of issue investigation per request at no additional charge. If the issue requires more involved analysis and investigation, we will send a cost estimate to investigate and resolve the issue.

Do you work with agencies?

Yes. We partner with many agencies to make sure their clients are well supported once their site has launched.

By offering one of SiteCare’s WordPress maintenance plans, agencies can deliver greater value to their clients, improve their bottom line, and add a new profit center for future growth.

Do you offer web hosting?

Yes, we offer a managed cloud hosting plan that perfectly complements our WordPress maintenance services.

If you choose to host elsewhere, you can still use SiteCare’s WordPress maintenance services. We work closely with most hosting providers and have direct access to top-tier support with them as well.

Where is your team located?

We are a distributed team located throughout the U.S. and South Africa.

What are your support hours?

Our support hours are 9am-5pm Eastern Time Zone in the United States.

Can I bring my own SSL Certificate?

Yes, you can bring your own SSL certificate through your own issuing authority. Read more details here.

What are your holiday support hours?

You can see our full holiday support schedule here.

How do I change my WordPress password?

For full instructions on resetting your WordPress password, follow the steps in this help article.

How do I reset my browser's cache?

Here are instructions to completely clear your browser cache as well as instructions to start a new browser session.

Can you provide assistance with making changes to my domain?

SiteCare can assist with domain management and updating DNS records. Find instructions for securely sharing domain access with our team in this help article.

What's the best way to share access to my hosting account?

SiteCare requires access to your web hosting account to assist with automation setup, troubleshooting, and other routine maintenance tasks. Check out this help article for detailed instructions on securely sharing hosting access with our team.

I've received an email from my domain registrar? Do I need to do anything?

Possibly. The most common emails we see from domain registrars are related to compliance with ICANN rules. Read this help article for more information.

Are Google services GDPR compliant?

Please read this guidance regarding GDPR compliance, specifically as it pertains to Google’s suite of services.

Do you know the best way for me to contact my web host?

We’ve put together a comprehensive directory with contact information for the most popular web hosts.

What is Sucuri Security?

Sucuri is our partner for WordPress malware scanning and remediation. Learn more about Sucuri in this help article.

What software licenses are included with my SiteCare service?

Check out our full list of software and service licenses. All of these are included with all active SiteCare plans.

Digital Marketing

What are rich snippets?

Before we get into what a rich snippet is, we first need to understand what a snippet is. Most Google search result snippets will include a URL, description, and title tag. Rich snippets, however, are search results with a bit of extra information gathered from the website. This can include a star-rating for a recipe to make it more eye-catching and increase the chances of the link being clicked on.

What is the average title tag length?

Although there is no specific number of characters required in a title tag, Google usually displays the first 50 to 60 characters when delivering search results based on the screen size you are using. If the title tag is longer than 60 characters, important elements of the title might be lost, such as the keywords or a call to action.

Traditionally, title length was measured in character length; today, search engines measure the length of a title tag in pixels, the smallest building block of your screen. The minimum suggested length of a title tag is 285 pixels; this would equal rough 30 characters. In terms of the maximum length, 575 pixels would be the max, which equates to 60 characters in length.

What are title tags and meta descriptions?

Title tags are bits of HTML that specify the title of your page, while meta description tags provide a brief summary of the page. These tags are visible in search engine results, so they play a major role in a user’s decision to click through to your site. Adding titles and meta descriptions to every page and post on your site can be tedious, but we can help you streamline the process and flag any pages and posts that fall through the cracks.

How do I get a new Google My Business Listing?

In order to have your business properly listed in Google Search results, you’ll need a Google My Business listing. Google still uses postcards to verify businesses. More info is available here.

Follow this guide to create a link you can send customers to leave you a review on Google.

What should I do if my Google Merchant Feed stops working?

If you’re running Google Adwords and having trouble with your Google Merchant Feed, we’ve put together some potential issues and how to troubleshoot them in this help article.

Can you help me understand my Google Ads report?

Yes, we can definitely help with this. We’ve also put together a guide for to help you better understand your Google Ads report. If you need additional assistance after reading through the guide, contact us for additional assistance.

Where does my business listing show up with SiteCare's Local SEO services?

Here’s a comprehensive list of all of the directories where your company will be listed. These listings will also be maintained with an active Local SEO plan.

Email Lead Generation

Do you build prospect lists?

We don’t build prospects lists due to the low response and conversion rates we see when sending emails to these lists. We know reaching out to a warm audience, yields 5 to 10 times better response rates. If you do require prospects lists to be built, we can introduce you to a few of our trusted partners who can build prospecting lists for you.

Do you use a third-party service to deliver emails?

No, we send our emails through your email account. Because all emails we send are sent from your email address, you’ll even see them in your “Sent” folder.

Why is it important to clean up my email list?

Cleaning up your email list improves the deliverability rate of your emails and strengthens your domain’s reputation by decreasing bounce rates, increasing open and click rates, and reducing spam complaints. Purging your list of unengaged subscribers also empowers you with more accurate reporting data and can even save you money if your email marketing service charges you per subscriber.

How often should I clean up my email list?
  • Generally, we recommend scrubbing your email list every year to get rid of any invalid email addresses and potentially remove email addresses that haven’t opened any of your emails in the past 6 months.
Do “out-of-office” replies count as replies or bounces in a cold email outreach campaign?
  • An out-of-office reply is automated and can be sent for various reasons that wouldn’t count as a bounce or a reply. A bounce occurs when the email couldn’t be delivered for whatever reason – an out-of-office is actually a confirmation that someone has received the email; they just haven’t been able to read it.
  • Keep tabs on these auto-replies and take note of when they occur most often. An out-of-office isn’t a stop sign, though! In fact, it would be a good idea to channel these replies into a follow-up flow, allowing you a second (and third) chance of reaching someone who hasn’t seen your email yet and is likely returning to an overflowing inbox after their mid-year break.
What happens when a prospect replies?
  • When a prospect replies, we ask that you keep the reply in your inbox for 24 hours so that our software can pick up the reply and remove the prospect from the sequence, ensuring that they no longer receive any more emails. Clients can then take over the conversation and reply to the prospect like any other email. From here on, it is up to the client to foster the conversation with the prospect.
  • If a prospect responds negatively, unfortunately, this is part and parcel of cold emailing. It will happen. We recommend just leaving the reply in your inbox for 24 hours so that our software can pick up the reply and remove the prospect from the sequence, ensuring that they no longer receive any more emails, and not responding. Once a prospect has responded, and the reply has been left in the inbox for 24 hours, that is the end of the campaign for them and they will no longer receive any communications
What is the difference between email drip campaigns and cold email campaigns?

Both types of campaigns have the same goal: getting the customer from their current point into a stage where they’re accepting your meeting request and using your service or product.

The key difference is that the email drip campaign customer opted into your subscriber list, while the cold email campaign audience consists of leads you seek out.

How does cold email marketing actually work?

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to explain SiteCare’s process and everything you need to know about cold email marketing.

Email Marketing

Can I change my email marketing plan?

Your monthly plan will automatically adjust based upon the number of active subscribers in your account.

Can I create multiple email lists?

Yes. However, our system will only email one list as part of your weekly campaign.

Can I login to my account?

Yes. You’ll be able to login to the software at 

Inside the Dashboard, you’ll be able to add subscribers, view your bounce list and view your campaign reports.

Can I use the software to send other types of email campaigns?

Yes. The software includes an email newsletter template builder. Once you’ve built another template, you can use that template to create beautiful email campaigns. However, you cannot use the weekly email template to create email campaigns.

Can SiteCare make new templates for me?

Yes, we’ll be happy to provide an estimate to make changes to existing templates or create new templates for you.

Can you import my subscribers for me?

Yes, we can. You will need to provide a spreadsheet with your subscribers’ email addresses.

Do you offer a free trial?

No, but you can cancel at any time.

Is there a long-term agreement?

No. You can cancel at any time.

What if I have more questions?

There are many help pages within the email campaign software. If you can’t find the answer to your questions, please email us at

When will my campaigns be sent?

We can set the weekly email to send on the day of the week and time of day of your choice.

How can I make sure my email campaigns don't go to spam?

To help improve deliverability for all email campaigns, we recommend following the instructions in this help article.

Who can I send emails to?

Anyone who has given you direct permission to send them emails. By using our software, you agree to follow our permission policy for sending emails. If you do not have proven permission to email the addresses on your mailing lists, you are sending spam.


Which forms of payment do you accept?

We offer multiple ways to pay your invoice. Find specific payment instructions in this help article.

What does Time and Materials mean?

Time and materials is a standard phrase in a contract for SiteCare’s development services or any other piece of work in which an organization agrees to pay SiteCare based on the time spent by the SiteCare’s employees to perform the work. Time and Materials is generally used in projects in which it is not initially possible to accurately estimate the size of the project, or when it is expected that the project requirements would most likely change.

This is opposed to a fixed-price contract in which the organization agrees to pay SiteCare a lump sum for the fulfillment of a contract no matter what the effort entails for SiteCare.

What is Google Workspace?

On October 6, 2020, Google re-branded their G Suite product to Workspace.

If you purchased a G Suite package from us, your invoices will now reference your Google Workspace account.  All of the services you receive as part of the G Suite package will remain exactly the same. Only the name has changed.

You can learn more about Google’s re-branding of this product here:

Where can I mail a check?

Our mailing address is:

2472 Jett Ferry Road
Suite 400-322
Atlanta, GA 30338

Why isn't "Time and Materials" included in my web hosting plan?

Time and Materials is generally used in projects in which it is not initially possible to accurately estimate the size of the project, or when it is expected that the project requirements would most likely change.